2022-110-01 Administration Accessible Washroom

Conversion of a current dual washroom into a single accessible, single occupant, washroom with installing barrier free toilet, sink, vanity, grab bars, angled mirror, accessible accessories (soap dispenser, toilet paper dispenser, paper towel dispenser, napkin disposal), signage, nonslip flooring, colour contracting painting, Braille signage and interior finishes.

The washroom is the public washroom at the Council Chambers area of our administration building at 255 Metcalf St, Tweed, ON.

There is a mandatory site visit on Wednesday February 23, 2022 at 2:00 pm.

Please note that the Municipality of Tweed passed By-Law 2021-73 which requires all contractors working within our facility that staff are in for more than 20 minutes to show proof of full vaccination.