2024-017 – Addendum 1 – Revised Tender Number 2024-020 -268-308 Stanley House Road Improvements


This Addendum forms part of the Request for Tender documents package, #2024-017 – 268-308 Stanley House Road Improvements and is to be read, interpreted, and coordinated with all other parts accordingly.
Addendum 1 contains the following revisions:
# Revisions
1 Revised Tender # from 2024-017 and shall henceforth be known as
“2024-020 – 268-308 Stanley House Road Improvements”

A signed copy of Addendum 1 must be enclosed with your submitted Tender package. Bidders that do not include this signed Addendum within their sealed Tender submission may be disqualified.

We hereby acknowledge receipt of the amended instructions and confirm that provisions therefore have been made in our tender.

Addendum 1 has been received:

Signing Officer:

___________________________ ______________________________ ____________
Name (print) Signature Date