DocuPet Inc.
Rewarding Responsible Pet Owners
Kevin MacKenzie, Head of Municipal Sales & Business Development
2 Gore Street Kingston, ON K7L 2L1
DocuPet is a technology and service-based solution for municipalities aiming to enhance their animal licensing programs and increase licensing compliance. Our zero-cost / budget-neutral solution allows us to provide pet licensing services at zero risk to municipalities, taking fees only when pet license compliance has increased.
North America
Articles by DocuPet Inc.:
DocuPet New Innovation
Tuesday, April, 28th, 2015
Success Story:
DocuPet first launched in the City of Guelph and the Town of Newmarket for the 2015 licensing season. We are serving 16 municipalities across Ontario, including Kingston, Aurora, Ajax, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls and Welland. Each program has seen great success.
-In excess of 300 hours administrative time saved per municipality as a result of 50% + licenses being sold online
-Compliance increase of 30% in 2015 for Guelph and Newmarket
-50% of license sales moved on line from traditional paper form method
-$50,000 in new municipal revenue
-Guelph's 2014 total license sales were exceeded in the first twelve weeks of our program