Municipal Pet Licensing: The Need for New Innovation
Municipal pet licence compliance is very low averaging at 10-15%. This is because most pet owners see little incentive for licensing their pet(s) other than avoiding a fine from municipal By-Law officers. In addition municipal licensing programs are outdate and not overly accessible or convenient.
With pet licensing revenue being the main funding source for animal control the decline in licensing, and the ongoing and growing need for animal control, is leaving leaving municipalities with larger animal control budget deficits year after year. This development has spurred the need for a new innovation surrounding municipal pet licensing in order to combat this trend.
How does DocuPet meet the needs of municipalities?
DocuPet is a technology and service-based solution for municipalities aiming to enhance their animal licensing programs and increase licensing compliance. Our zero-cost / budget-neutral solution allows us to provide pet licensing services at zero risk to municipalities, taking fees only when pet license compliance has increased (Performance Fee)
What is the value proposition?
Our innovative approach allows municipalities to fully outsource their pet licensing programs while offering dramatically increased ease of use and robust incentives for pet owners. The DocuPet system allows municipalities to:
- Increase compliance and associated revenue
- Streamline the pet licensing process and reduce associated costs
- Enhanced services to pet owners and the community at large
- Promote the local business community and increase “shop local” awareness
- Provide tools and education to the community that improves the pet ownership experience
- Improved enforcement policies
How does DocuPet work?
The program is comprised of four major components:A municipality-branded website:
- Online license registration with automatic recurring annual payments
- Comprehensive pet and pet owner data collection
- Robust “Lost Pet Alert” system with automated features to notify community partners and participating pet owners
- In-the-field look-up and licensing for by-law enforcement officers and municipal administrators
- Detailed and summary performance and financial reporting functionality
- Fully optimized for all mobile devices with world-class IT infrastructure
- A robust rewards program:
- Licensees receive annual rewards cards and access to deals from advertisers across the local community
- Inclusive and free rewards program for local advertisers in all sanctioned market verticals
- Fully deployed and managed by DocuPet, and supported by trained community representative
Pet tag and reward card fulfillment program:
- Full outsourcing of renewal notice, pet tag and reward card delivery
- Highest quality “Smart” pet tags with unique IDs and website look-up functionality
- By-law and Enforcement :
- By-law recommendation such as a 365 day license
- Increased by-law enforcement
DocuPet has been integrated into several cities with dramatic positive results:
- 200% increase in compliance in 2014 over 2013 performance
- Up to 65% of registrations completed online saving municipalities hundreds of hours in administrative time.
- Overwhelmingly positive feedback from municipal administrators and pet owners
- 100% of reported lost pets have been returned home safely
- Smooth and efficient transition from existing licensing system to DocuPet program
Current Clients (coming soon!) (coming soon!)