Saddle Hills County seeks innovative proposals from interested parties for the following:
Investment Services (“the Service”).
Proposals are to include a list of certifications, experience on similar services and a general description as to how the Proponent will handle the County’s needs. It is the Proponent’s responsibility to identify any inability to meet the requirements specified in this RFP.
Proponents shall submit their Proposal in an envelope marked “Request for Proposal for Saddle Hills County Investment Services” (the “Proposals”) on or before 2:30 p.m. (Mountain Standard Time) on July 4th, 2018 (the “RFP Closing Time”) to:
Saddle Hills County
Attention: Cary Merritt, Director of Corporate Services
RR1, Spirit River, AB, T0H 3G0
No faxed or electronically submitted Proposals will be accepted by the County.
Proposals will be opened following the RFP Closing Time. There will be a public opening in the Training Room at Saddle Hills County Offices, R.R.1 Spirit River, AB