Request for Proposal – Document Digitization and Retention By-Law Review under Modernization Funding

Municipality of Tweed has received funding from the Municipal Modernization Program to fund a review of current record retention by-law and current filing strategies utilized to identify efficiencies and opportunities for document digitization.

The final report will summarize the reviewer’s findings and identify specific, actionable recommendations based on the analysis and findings that aim to identify cost savings and improved efficiencies.

Note:  The responses will be opened immediately following closing on June 18, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.

It will not be an official public opening if the restrictions of gatherings not being more than 5 people are not lifted by that time. All responses and amounts will be summarized in a report to Council and will be available when our agenda is posted publicly on the Friday June 19th.

But if the restrictions allow gatherings of 10 people, there will a public opening in the Council Chambers at 4:05 pm on June 18th.