What is your Asset Management Plan?


What is your Asset Management Plan?


After nearly ten years in and around Municipal Government, I understand the pressures you are face. Staff turnover, increasing administrative and operational demands, and reduced outside funding are just some of the significant pressures municipalities are facing. Unfortunately, the forecast isn’t so rosy either.  The aging workforce, deteriorating infrastructure, and will only make things more challenging in the years to come.  This is why it is more important than ever to get the most value out of each and every dollar spent by developing and implementing an Asset Management Plan.


What is Asset Management Planning?


Prioritizing needs over wants by ensuring timely investments in infrastructure.


Needs for an Asset Management Plan     

  • Aging and decaying infrastructure
  • Higher expectations from the public regarding levels of service
  • Higher health and safety standards
  • Increased regulations
  • Growth

Top Benefits of an Asset Management Plan

  • Reduces unpleasant surprises
  • Helps in achieving consistent levels of service
  • Helps in establishing policies and benchmarks for performance
  • Provides for easier budgeting
  • Reduces Municipal risk

·          All Federal Government Gas Tax recipients will be required to have an Asset Management Plan in place by March, 2018.


Develop a clearer picture of the state of your assets by developing an Asset Management Plan. You and your stakeholders will be better informed about asset operation, maintenance, and renewal decisions.


Contact Richardson Municipal Solutions today for your free Asset Management assessment.
