The Municipality of Tweed is soliciting proposals from reputable consulting firms to execute a thorough Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Submissions are restricted to firms capable of demonstrating qualifications and expertise in the field of recreation, particularly with a track record of developing municipal Parks and Recreation master plans.
The Municipality of Tweed seeks to develop a Parks and Recreation Master Plan to strategically steer the Parks and Recreation Department and its services until 2034. The successful proponent will undertake all activities pertaining to research, consultation, engagement, and plan preparation.
The Municipality of Tweed is situated in Hastings County, Ontario, Canada. It is positioned approximately halfway between the major Canadian cities of Toronto and Ottawa. Specifically, it lies 20 minutes north of Belleville, a city in eastern Ontario, and it is intersected by highways 7 and 37.
In terms of population, according to Statistics Canada’s 2021 Census of Population, the Municipality of Tweed has a population count of 6,067 people. This provides a snapshot of the demographic makeup of the area as of that census year.
The Municipality currently maintains approximately 2,176 square metres of indoor recreation facilities and approximately 211,221 square metres of outdoor recreation facilities
Submissions are due Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at 2:00 pm. Please see Municipal Website for any and all addendums (