The Township of Woolwich (“the Township”) invites vendors to submit proposals for Internet and Telephone Voting Services for the 2018 Municipal Election in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, S.O. 1996. The Township of Woolwich has 18,917 eligible electors as of February 2017.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the Director of Finance & Treasurer at the Finance Department, Main Floor, 24 Church Street West, Elmira, Ontario, N3B 2Z6, until 2:00 P.M. local time on Monday March 6, 2017.
Requirements and proposal forms may be obtained from the Township of Woolwich, 24 Church Street West, Elmira, Ontario, N3B 2Z6, Fax 519-669-9348 or Email [email protected].
As its best interest may appear, the Township of Woolwich reserves the right to, at any time during the selection process, reject any or all proposals, either in whole or in part.