The Town of Beaumont is inviting proponent(s) to submit a proposal for the Social Master Plan. The purpose of the Master Plan is to allow the Town of Beaumont to strategically guide and manage the direction of social well-being within the community of Beaumont through to 2029.
The goal of the Master Plan is to improve the quality of life through the social determinants of social well-being in our community. In turn this supports the programs and direction of Beaumont’s Family and Community Support Services (FCSS).
The plan will provide a framework that reflects the social determinates that are important to Beaumont moving forward:
• To create an inspirational and memorable vision for the delivery of social programs, services and initiatives that aligns with the Strategic Plan and needs of the community
• To create a comprehensive inventory of FCSS programs, initiatives and events
• To utilize the findings of the 2017 FCSS and Early Childhood Development (ECD) Needs Assessment that identified gaps and priorities with respect to the social needs of the community
• To create a guiding document that outlines policies and principles over the next ten years.
It is anticipated that the Plan will take up to 12 months to complete, and will create a comprehensive document that can be used in its whole or in part.
Beaumont is a Town of approximately 18,500, and is located 10 minutes south east of Edmonton and 15 minutes from the Edmonton International Airport.
Beaumont’s rapid growth has accelerated the need for regular input from our residents. Beaumont is one of Canada’s fastest growing municipality with a population that has more than doubled in the past 10 years. Its median age is 32, with a significant population below 16 years of age.
We are seeking an experienced research contractor(s) to lead the Master Planning process. Experience with municipal research and master planning is strongly preferred.
Original and two (2) copies of a Proposal in an envelope clearly marked “Social Master Plan – RFP # 2018-0144-F05-S1” will be received at the Town of Beaumont Administrative Office at 5600 – 49 Street, Beaumont, Alberta, T4X 1A1, up to July 16, 2018 12:00 p.m. (Mountain Time). Any RFP’s received after the closing time will be returned unopened.