The Town of Bluewater is requesting tenders from General Contractors for the Hensall Opera House restoration project. Tender Documents will be available electronically on the Municipality of Bluewater web site after February 2, 2015. www.town.bluewater.on.ca
Hard copies of the Tender Documents for General Contractors only are available for $150 per set, certified cheque made payable to +VG Architects. (This fee is refundable upon return of tender documents after tender period closes.) If required, to obtain hard copies of the tender documents, please call +VG Architects at 519-754-1652. A Site Visit for General Contractors and Major Trades will be held at the Hensall Opera House at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 10, 2015. The value of the project is approximately $350,000, a 10% Bid Bond is required.
Tender Documents will be on display at the London, Sarnia and Grand Valley Construction Associations.
The Tender Closing Date is Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.
Questions are to be directed to Kevin Church at +VG Architects by email only ([email protected])