COVID-19 has changed the way we work, play, and interact with our world. Whether your company is a single or multiple branch office operation, with industrial facilities or mobile public and field workers — developing a clear, concise program requires careful consideration and detailed risk and resource assessments.
Unique challenges require unique customized solutions.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created unique challenges for businesses and workforces all across Canada. Public health departments, government leaders, and associations provide continual streams of information where business owners and executives must analyze this information to the best of their ability, providing direction in the creation of customized solutions for their business.
Barantas Inc. (Barantas) has remained focused on the core principles of prevention and safety services offering clarity and direction to company programs and operational procedure development.
Barantas can assist in any of the following key areas:
- Business re-opening plans and implementation strategies
- Operational redesign of workspace management
- Worker inter-personal safety prevention programs and methodologies
- Workforce programs for office, industrial, municipal and education sectors
- Construction project-specific pandemic enhanced programs and inspections
- Health and safety manual and policy development
- Personal protective equipment supply and sourcing (masks, gloves, face shields)
Barantas provides comprehensive, long-term protection strategies and a personalized partnership anchored by our commitment to service excellence.
Redesigning Workplaces in a Post Pandemic Era
Our national reach and multi-disciplinary approach to safety management allow you to access a complete suite of health and safety services for a fraction of what it would cost you to source these services individually.
Barantas interactively works with you in evaluating and developing your new workplace strategies and worker health and safety management. Our goal is to collaboratively provide our expertise and knowledge to your key persons or teams, building a sustainable, internal infrastructure focused on the health and safety of your workforce.
We utilize a FIVE phase process. This process begins with a data acquisition phase, where we learn and understand your business, through to ensuring your teams can execute, monitor and continually adapt your program to meet today’s and future challenges.
Our process is based on the following principles:
- Risk Reduction: Focused on reducing risk through prevention methodologies using the hierarchy of controls.
- Individual Health and Safety Protection: Ensuring your company is taking the precautions reasonable for the protection of workers, employees, clients and affected individuals.
- Maintenance of Applicable Requirements: Continual monitoring of authority directives, legislative requirements, and corporate due diligence best practices combined into a preparedness program able to adapt to changing environments and new directives.
- Education and Sustainability: As part of working with your team through the five-phase process, our goal is to ensure understanding and application of the principles and methodologies for key team members ensuring an ability to assess, respond and adapt to continual change in both external factors and internal business decisions.
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